Quantitative and qualitative investigations of chemistry, biochemistry and materials chemistry
Fundamental and practical analysis of chemicals, biomolecules, and materials is critical to the all branches of modern science. Our department builds on a deep history in the development of instrumentation and methods for advanced analysis. We strive to push the limits of traditional measurement techniques and to develop new techniques for the frontiers of chemical analysis. See more faculty interested in this theme »
Jonathan Karty Robert Pepin J.P. Gerdt Xinfeng (Frank) Gao Maren Pink Sylvie Hudan David Clemmer Romualdo deSouza Bogdan Dragnea Gary Hieftje Stephen C. Jacobson Martin F. Jarrold Liang-shi Li Jonathan Raff Megan Thielges Yan YuResearch
State-of-the-Art Mass Spectrometer Acquired
Research Scientist Jon Karty and former IU Chemistry Professor Erin Carlson were recently awarded funding from the Indiana Metabolomics and Cytomics Initiative (METACyt) to acquire a Waters Synapt G2-S mass spectrometer. This state-of-the-art hybrid IMS-MS-MS...
2012 Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACS) Conference SciX
Dr. Steve Ray, Associate Scientist at Indiana University is the program chair, and a symposium will be held in honor of Professor Gary Hieftje's 2012 American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry Distinguished Service Award. The conference includes over...