Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University Bloomington IU Bloomington

Introductory Chemistry Courses

A placement test is used to assist students in registering for an introductory chemistry course in which they can be successful.

C117 Placement Exam (may be taken only once)

Refer to the Eligibility Map for guidance in course registration.

Course Descriptions:

CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr.) Essential principles of chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, bonding, properties and reactions of elements and compounds, stoichiometry, solutions, and acids and bases. For students who are not planning careers in the sciences and for those with no previous coursework in chemistry.

CHEM-C 103 Introduction to Chemical Principles (5 cr.) Designed specifically to strengthen knowledge of fundamental chemical principles and mathematical problem solving.  Content includes applications of measurement and chemical formula/equation conversions; modern view of the atom; and solution processes that relate to chemical reactions. This course is used to prepare students to take C117.

CHEM-C 117 Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry I (3 cr.) Lecture course covering foundational principles of chemistry and biochemistry including atomic structure and periodic properties, molecular structure, chemical bonding, energy (thermochemistry), kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics.

CHEM-J 117 Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry for Science Majors (3 cr.)  For students with a strong background in high school chemistry this course offers a more in-depth study of the topics in C117.

CHEM-H 117 Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry I, Honors (3 cr.)  An honors course for students with a strong background in chemistry and mathematics.  The fundamental physical principles underlying the topics in C117 are examined.