Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University Bloomington IU Bloomington

Continuous Improvement Feedback


The Continuous Improvement Committee (CI) welcomes suggestions from staff, faculty, students, and scientists related to operational and procedural practices in the Department of Chemistry. The committee is composed of a mixture of faculty, staff, graduate students, and scientists, appointed by the Department Chair, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Administration.

The committee will review suggestions from the Department and consider how changes could improve workflows and reduce burdens in the Department. The Committee will call in other members of the Department (subject experts) to consult on specific issues.

The Committee will make recommendations to the Director Finance and Administration and to the Department Chair, who will work with the Committee on consideration of the recommendations for implementation.

Issues related to diversity, equity, inclusivity, and climate will be passed on to the Diversity and Climate Committee.

Please enter your comments, feedback, and suggestions in the box below. Positive comments and praise for specific staff or faculty are welcome! If you have a concern, please consider offering a suggested solution that balances with other resources, needs, and priorities in the Department.
Comments and feedback received in this form are anonymous. You may choose to identify yourself by including your name in the feedback box, but this is not expected or required.

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