FREE departmental tutoring is available for all general and organic chemistry courses during every fall and spring semester (sorry no summer terms).
Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
There is no tutoring the first week of the semester, final exam week, or the weeks of Thanksgiving and Spring Break.
Chemistry Building – Room CH 002R, The Sciences Library Classroom
Chemistry undergraduates who have successfully passed the courses
Paid Tutors
The table below lists both graduate students and advanced undergraduates who are willing to tutor undergraduates in chemistry courses for pay. You may contact these tutors to make arrangements regarding when to meet and payment. Some tutors may be willing to tutor groups; if you have a study partner or group that would like to work with a tutor, we encourage you to ask about this possibility. We suggest an hourly rate of $15/hour for undergraduate tutors and $25/hour for graduate student tutors (although you can come to any pricing agreement with your tutor by negotiation). We do not set any pricing structure but solely offer this interface for you to find tutors here. You can also ask your course instructor for a tutor recommendation.
Apply to become a Tutor
If you want to be listed on our site as approved for tutoring undergraduate chemistry courses, please fill out the application below.
Tutor List
Last Updated 9/03/2024
Name | Title | Courses | |
Aditi Aalati | Undergraduate | C341, C343 | aaalati@iu.edu | Gabriella Adem | Undergraduate | C341 | gadem@iu.edu | Sophia Brink | Undergraduate | C341, C343, J341 | srbrink@iu.edu | Rachel Buckley | Graduate | C100, C101, C102, C103, C117, H117 | kpbuckle@iu.edu | Nicholle Chew | Graduate | C341, C342, C443, J341, J342, R340, S341 | nbchew@iu.edu | Matthew Davisson | Graduate | C101, C102, C103, C117, C118 | davisson@iu.edu | Adam Delumpa | Undergraduate | C103, C117, C341, J117, S341, X150 | adelumpa@iu.edu | Troy Feller | Undergraduate | C117, C118, C341 | tdfeller@iu.edu | Lexie Fifer | Graduate | C100, C101, C103, C117, C118, C121, C127, H117, J117 | anfifer@iu.edu | Ellie Folz | Undergraduate | C341 | folze@iu.edu | Ethan Hensley | Undergraduate | C100, C101, C102, C103, C117, C121, C122, C127, C341, C342, C343, C383, C432, C443, C460 | ehensle@iu.edu | John Hong | Undergraduate | C117, C341, J117 | johnhong@iu.edu | Caleb Huizenga | Graduate | C103, C361 | calhuiz@iu.edu | Brianna Jepsen | Graduate | C100, C101, C102, C103, C117, C118, C121, C122, C127, H117, J117 | bjepsen@iu.edu | Kendall Jones | Undergraduate | C127, C341, H117 | kensjone@iu.edu | Carrie Lierz | Graduate | B486, B487, B488, C483, C484, C485 | cblierz@indiana.edu | Zoraiya Limzerwala | Undergraduate | C341 | zlimzerw@iu.edu | Patrick Loftos | Undergraduate | C341, C342, C343, C446, R340, S341, S342 | poloftus@iu.edu | Jo Lohman | Graduate | C341, C342, S341 | jomlohm@iu.edu | Michaela Loveless | Graduate | C101, C103, C121, C341, C342, C343, C344, C360, C361, C362, C443, R340, S341, S342 | lovelesm@iu.edu | Amanda Morgan | Graduate | C117, C118, C127, C341, C343 | amamorg@iu.edu | Brianna Neary | Undergraduate | C127, C341 | beneary@iu.edu | Morgan Nyman | Graduate | B486, B487, B488, C100, C101, C102, C103, C121, C122, C127, C243, C341, H117, J117, S341 | monyman@iu.edu | Andrew Olsson | Graduate | A316, C101, C102, C117, C121, C122, C341, C342, C343, J117 | aolsson@iu.edu | Celine Park | Undergraduate | C341 | celipark@iu.edu | Neel Patel | Undergraduate | C117, C127, C341 | neepate@iu.edu | Shriya Patel | Undergraduate | C103, C341 | patel99@iu.edu | Maxwell Perkins | Undergraduate | C103, C117, J117 | maxperk@iu.edu | Jarett Posz | Graduate | C341, C342, C343, C344, C443, J341, J342, R340, S341, S342 | jposz@iu.edu | Priyana Reddy | Undergraduate | C103, C117, C127, C341, C343, C383 | priredd@iu.edu | Paige Robinson | Undergraduate | C117, J117 | robinsop@iu.edu | Paige Royalty | Undergraduate | C101, C103, C341, C342, C483 | proyalty@iu.edu | John Sadler | Graduate | C101, C103, C117, C118 | johnsadl@iu.edu | Sarah Shininger | Undergraduate | C101, C102, C117 | sshining@iu.edu | Mira Shortt | Undergraduate | C341 | mtshortt@iu.edu | Bella Street | Undergraduate | C341 | bkstreet@iu.edu | Sarah Wilder | Graduate | C341, C342, C343, C344, C443, C446, S341, S342 | sawild@iu.edu |
If you have any questions, e-mail chemound@indiana.edu, call 855-2700, or stop by the Academic Office in Chemistry C021.
What are these courses?
C100 - The World as Chemistry
C101 - Elementary Chemistry
C121 - Elementary Chemistry lab
C103 - Intro. to Chemical Principles
C117 - Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry 1
H117 - Honors Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry 1
J117 - Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry 1, science majors
C118 - Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry 2
C127 - Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry 1 Lab
C243 - Supplemental General Chemistry
A314 - Biological and Environmental Chem. Analysis
A315 - Chemical Measurements Laboratory
A316 - Bioanalytical Chemistry Lab
C318 - Spectrochem and Separations
N331 - Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry
N337 - Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry Lab
R340 - Survey of Organic Chemistry
C341 - Organic Lecture 1
J341 - Principles of Organic Chemistry I
S341 - Honors Organic Lecture 1
C342 - Organic Lecture 2
J342 - Principles of Organic Chemistry II
S342 - Honors Organic Lecture 2
C343 - Organic Lab 1
C344 - Organic Lab 2
C360 - Intro to Physical Chemistry
C361 - Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter
C362 - Physical Chemistry of Molecules
C430 - Inorganic Chemistry
C443 - Organic Spectroscopy
C460 - Nuclear Chemistry
C471 - Chemical Informatics
C481 - Physical Biochemistry
C483 - Biological Chemistry
C484 - Biomolecules and Catabolism
C485 - Biosyntdesis and Physiology