2012 Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACS) Conference SciX
Dr. Steve Ray, Associate Scientist at Indiana University is the program chair, and a symposium will be held in honor of Professor Gary Hieftje's 2012 American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry Distinguished Service Award. The conference includes over 100 symposia and workshops which cover all facets of modern analytical chemistry. More information about the conference can be found here http://www.scixconference.org
Distinguished Professor
Robert & Marjorie Mann Chair
Distinguished Professor
Linda & Jack Gill Chair in Biomolecular Science
James F. Jackson Professor of Chemistry
Class of 1948 Herman B Wells Endowed Professor
Adjunct Professor, Physics
Associate Dean of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Research
Distinguished Professor and Robert & Marjorie Mann Chair
Professor and Joan & Marvin Carmack Chair
Associate Professor (O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs),
Adjunct Professor (Chemistry)
Rudy Professor (O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs)
Adjunct Professor (Chemistry)
Professor & Associate Vice President for Engagement
Professor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Adjunct Professor