H2 Production from Reactions Between Water and Metal Centers in Non-Traditional Oxidation States
Professors Caroline Chick Jarrold and Krishnan Raghavachari are applying experimental and computational approaches to learn about the production of H2 from decomposition of water on transition metal oxide clusters in which the metal centers are in non-traditional oxidation states. These clusters are used to model the local, electronically complex and structurally dynamic properties of defect sites on photocatalysts used in the decomposition of water. The chemistry of these clusters is probed using high-pressure reactivity studies, and product distributions are rationalized using the results of high-level computational studies. Subsequent validation of the computational results is achieved by spectroscopic interrogation of reactants and products. Results of this collaboration have pointed to the electronic and structural features of defect sites that are most active with respect to H2 production, as well as potential mechanisms for liberating trapped H2 on catalyst surfaces.
To learn more, see: "Fluxionality in the Chemical Reactions of Transition Metal Oxide Clusters: The Role of Metal, Spin-State and the Reactant Molecule", K. Raghavachari et al., J. Phys. Chem. A, in press, and "Properties of Metal Oxide Clusters in non-Traditional Oxidation States" C. C. Jarrold et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 2012, 525-6, 1.
Distinguished Professor
Robert & Marjorie Mann Chair
Distinguished Professor
Linda & Jack Gill Chair in Biomolecular Science
James F. Jackson Professor of Chemistry
Class of 1948 Herman B Wells Endowed Professor
Adjunct Professor, Physics
Associate Dean of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Research
Distinguished Professor and Robert & Marjorie Mann Chair
Professor and Joan & Marvin Carmack Chair
Associate Professor (O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs),
Adjunct Professor (Chemistry)
Rudy Professor (O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs)
Adjunct Professor (Chemistry)
Professor & Associate Vice President for Engagement
Professor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Adjunct Professor