Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University Bloomington IU Bloomington

Creating Biologically Relevant Small Molecules

Research in the Cook group focuses on the creation of biologically relevant small molecules through the synthesis of natural and unnatural molecules with the potential to illuminate living systems. Paramount to our goal is the development of new strategies and catalysts for the efficient synthesis of small molecules, with an emphasis on the application of these methods to the total synthesis of complex natural products. Natural products have played a critical role in scientific discovery over the last several decades. Advancements in the areas of reaction development, mechanistic theory and spectroscopy are only matched by the contributions of natural product research to medicine, biology and pharmacology. It is because of these major contributions that total synthesis has been referred to as a “mature” discipline. Although the field may be more advanced than other fledgling areas of chemistry, countless exciting discoveries still remain, and researchers in the Cook group labor to bring them to light.

Veronica Siedle Associate Professor


Energy, Synthesis, Catalysis

James F. Jackson Professor of Chemistry


Life, Synthesis, Catalysis

Distinguished Professor
Professor and Robert & Marjorie Mann Chair

Analytical, Physical

Life, Analysis

Distinguished Professor
Linda & Jack Gill Chair in Biomolecular Science

Chemical Biology

Life, Synthesis

Provost Professor of Chemistry


Life, Analysis, Origins

Distinguished Professor and Lilly Chemistry Alumni Professor

Chemical Biology


Veronica Siedle Professor of Chemistry


Energy, Synthesis, Catalysis

Adjunct Professor, Physics

Materials, Physical

Energy, Life

Dorothy & Edward Bair Chair


Life, Analysis, Origins

Class of 1948 Herman B Wells Endowed Professor
Adjunct Professor, Physics
Associate Dean of Natural and Mathematical Sciences

Inorganic, Materials, Physical

Energy, Catalysis

Distinguished Professor and Robert & Marjorie Mann Chair

Analytical, Materials, Physical

Analysis, Origins

Professor and Joan & Marvin Carmack Chair

Analytical, Chemical Biology, Organic

Life, Synthesis

Associate Professor (SPEA),
Adjunct Professor (Chemistry)

Analytical, Physical

Analysis, Origins, Catalysis

James F. Jackson Associate Professor of Chemistry


Life, Synthesis, Catalysis

Adjunct Professor


Department Chair and Professor

Materials, Physical

Energy, Origins, Catalysis

Professor & Associate Vice President for Engagement

Chemical Biology, Organic

Life, Synthesis

Distinguished Professor and Harry G. Day Chair


Life, Synthesis