Course Assessment and Grades
All students take Chem-X371 on a pass/fail basis and will be informed of their progress throughout the semester via discussion with their course instructor (and/or AI) and bi-semester assessments. These assessments may be completed by the course instructor in conjunction with the graduate AI you are working with.
The standard evaluation form may be found on page 7 of the UTIN Handbook and should be reviewed prior to the beginning of the semester.
Course Assessment
- To pass the course you will need to satisfactorily complete your duties and meet all deadlines as a UTIN in your chosen course.
- All first-time UTINs will also need to complete all six learning modules for the X371 parent course which include; Why and How to Serve as a UTIN, Positive First Impressions, Diversity and Inclusion, How Learning Works, Professionalism, and Active Learning.
- All returning UTINs (those who have worked as a UTIN previously) will need to complete three brief learning modules for the X371 parent course.
- All modules described above must be completed whether you are taking this course for credit or auditing due to the responsibilities you will have as an instructor.
Credit Hours
- You can receive one credit for working as a UTIN, or you may request zero credits if this course will take you over the maximum credit hours for the flat-rate tuition fee.
- This course can be taken up to three times for credit, but you must discuss with your own academic advisor how this course will affect your GPA, transcript, and post-degree aims.