Cayla Rose
My name is Cayla Rose, and I am from Columbus, Georgia. I am a second-year grad student in the Dann lab. I received my bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Columbus State University. IU was my top choice for graduate programs because there was a wide range of research projects that I found myself heavily interested in.
Since I would be living far from home, I wanted to join a department and student body where people supported one another. All my recruiting weekends were completely virtual, so I was apprehensive that I would struggle finding a program that I connected with. During my recruiting weekend with IU, I immediately felt welcomed when talking with each of the groups at IU. Throughout IU’s recruiting weekend, I consistently updated my family on how great my interactions were, and even said that I believe I had found where I will be attending.
One thing that I appreciate about the program is the level of collaboration taking place within the department. I have formed friendships with individuals who have helped me with aspects of my project outside of my field of study, and I heavily value their insight and advice. I’ve found that the IU research facilities and staff that run them tremendous assets.
When I was moving to Bloomington, I was rather anxious. My first time in Bloomington was immediately before orientation, so I had no idea what to expect from the city other than what I heard during the recruiting weekend. I can honestly say that Bloomington is a great town to be in. I’ve visited friends in other college towns, and I sincerely believe Bloomington surpasses all the ones I have been to. Bloomington as a town is gorgeous in the Fall when all of the leaves change colors. There are so many great restaurants, coffee shops, and places to visit nearby. I am glad to call Bloomington home and couldn’t see myself anywhere else.