External Fellowship Opportunities
This information was selected from a listing at Information gleaned from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
- Increase the number and quality of our nation's scientists and engineers.
- Annually supports approximately 8,000 graduate students in fields important to national defense needs.
- Citizen of the U.S.
- Application made before 2 years of graduate school have been completed
- Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Biosciences (and others)
Deadline: To be announced; this is an annual award, typically due in January or December, awards announced in April. Check website for details.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Graduate Research Fellowship provides three years of support.
- Intended for students who are at the early stages of their graduate study.
- Citizen of the U.S. or permanent resident
- Application made before 2 years of graduate school have been completed
Deadline: November of each calendar year
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship – Predoctoral
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship – Dissertation
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship – Postdoctoral
- Increase the diversity of the nation's college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
- U.S. citizen, regardless of race, national origin, religion, gender
- Evidence of superior academic achievement
- Committed to career in teaching and research at the university/college level
- For Predoctoral and Dissertation: Has not earned a doctoral degree in any field previously
- Provides grant of $19,000 to student, $3,000 to the institution for 3 years for Predoctoral, $21,000 (1 yr) for dissertation, $40,000 (1 yr) for postdoctoral
Deadline: To be announced; this is an annual award, typically due mid-Fall; check website for details
Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF)
- To meet the nation's workforce needs and help create a nationwide interdisciplinary community.
- First or second year graduate student in the physical, engineering, computer, mathematical, or life sciences
- U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Provides stipend of $31,200, plus $1,000 academic allowance and tuition/fees
- Support of this fellowship is limited to 4 years and must be renewed each year
- This is an equal opportunity program open to all qualified persons without regard to race, sex, creed, age, physical disability, or national origin
Deadline: To be announced; this is an annual award, typically due in January. You can click on a link to be notified when the application or nomination process begins.