The Chemistry Department offers a number of awards to recognize graduate student achievements in research and teaching. Nominations are requested in early spring from Chemistry Faculty.
E. Campaigne C500 Introduction to Research Award — This award is given each year to a graduate student who, in the preceding academic year, did the most outstanding work in Chemistry C500.
Jack K. Crandall Award in Organic Chemistry — This award was established in 2003 through the generosity of former students in recognition of Professor Crandall's contributions to the department. These include service both as Graduate Advisor (9 times) and Associate Chair (1997-2001).
Henry R. Mahler Memorial Award — This award is given to an advanced student beyond the fifth-semester examination who has done outstanding thesis research in biochemistry. The award is to honor the late Professor Mahler who was associated with the department from 1955 until his death in July 1983.
William H. Nebergall Memorial Award — This award is devoted specifically for research in inorganic chemistry. The award is to honor the late Professor Nebergall, who was associated with the department from 1947 until his death in 1978.
Wendell P. Metzner Memorial Award — This award is devoted specifically for research in organic chemistry. The award is to honor the late Dr. Metzner, who received his AB in this department in 1933. He spent his entire career at Monsanto Company working in research and development. He frequently returned to Bloomington for Homecoming events and helped recruit faculty members and student athletes for IU.
Felix Haurowitz Award — This award is given to an advanced graduate student with the best overall performance leading up to and including the fifth-semester review. The award honors Dr. Haurowitz, a pioneer in the study of blood proteins, who became a member of the faculty in 1948 and remained active in research to within a year of his death in 1987 at the age of 91.
Associate Instructor Awards — Because of the recognized importance of Associate Instructors in undergraduate education, the Chemistry Department offers these awards to reward and encourage excellence in the performance of Associate Instructors. To be eligible, Associate Instructors must have finished two complete semesters of teaching for which evaluation is available. The two semesters need not be consecutive.
David A. Rothrock. Jr., Chemistry Scholarship/Fellowship — This award was established by David A. Rothrock Jr. (B.A. & M.A. 1932) who was one of two chemistry alumni who received Distinquished Alumni Service Award recognitions in 1990. Four generations of the Rothrock family have been associated with Indiana University.
Burton L. Appleton Fellowship — This award is given to advanced students in organic discipline must have completed and passed their fifth semester review.
Bernard Berk Endowed Fellowship — This award is given to advanced US citizen students studying organic chemistry.
Dr. Lynne L. Merritt Endowed Fellowship — Is presented to an advanced student any discipline, usually beyond their fifth semester review.
Verne L. and Paula A. Trinoskey Fellowship — This award is given to advanced students studying chemistry.
Rupert A. D. Wentworth Graduate Fellowship — It is the intent of the donor that this give be used to support a fellowship for first year graduate students in inorganic chemistry.
Indiana University Awards
Nominees compete with graduate students from other departments on campus for these awards. If you think you may be qualified for one of these awards, bring it to your advisor's attention. These awards usually require a nomination from within the department. If you have questions, please contact the Chemistry Graduate Office. For more information regarding Indiana University Awards, please visit their website.