About Bloomington
General information about Bloomington Indiana, and why you should consider doing your graduate research here.
Bloomingtion Transit
Information, maps, and schedules for the city bus system. IU students ride the bus free.
Campus Resources
- Bursar - fee information and IU bills
- Campus Access Card - new and replacement ID cards
- Campus Bus Service - IU Bus System
- Environmental Health & Safety - safety information
- GradGrants Center - grant leads and help with proposals
- Graduate School - official graduate school requirements and signatures
- IU Graduate and Professional Student Government - graduate student resources and advocacy
- Health Center - vaccinations, testing, counseling, and medical assistance
- International Services - for international students who need assistance with visas, employment, loans, and other official paperwork
- Parking Operations - campus parking information, parking permits, and tickets
- Registrar - for transcripts, registration, proof of enrollment, and residency status.
- Student Financial Assistance - student loans and other financial assistance
Diversity Organizations
Gems Consortium - The National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc.
NOBCChE - National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
NOBCChE Bloomington - Local Chapter
GU2IU - Getting You To Indiana University GU2IU
SACNAS - Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
SACNAS - Local Chapter
Women in Chemistry -