Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University Bloomington IU Bloomington

Financial Assistance

A number of sources for fellowship support for particularly well-qualified students exist. Several federal agencies (e. g. National Science Foundation, Department of Defense) have competitive programs which usually require application early in the first-year of study. Various private institutions also fund fellowships, often in specific research areas. The University Graduate School, in addition to supplemental fellowships for entering students, sponsors a limited number of fellowships for advanced students. The Chemistry Department also awards annually several fellowships for advanced students, usually under the sponsorship of an industrial company. These may be either full fellowships or of the partial or supplemental type. Students will automatically be considered for departmental awards and the Chemistry Graduate Office will bring information concerning outside fellowships to the attention of qualified individuals whenever possible. The Chemistry Graduate Office will assist students with applications insofar as possible.

Most entering prospective Ph.D. students will be granted some form of financial support. If the recipient remains in good standing in the University Graduate School, this support will normally be continued. However, this is a limited commitment and only in special cases does support extend beyond a maximum of four semesters for M.S. candidates and eight semesters for Ph.D. candidates (Summers excluded). Financial assistance will generally be in one of the following three forms: (a) Associate Instructorship, (b) Research Assistantship, or (c) Fellowship or Traineeship.