Jake Shelley Wins 2020 Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award
Jacob T. Shelley, the Alan Paul Schulz Career Development Professor of Chemistry at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has won the 2020... More
Jacob T. Shelley, the Alan Paul Schulz Career Development Professor of Chemistry at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has won the 2020... More
In this Nature career column, graduate student Joshua Smith discusses how his experience as a college athlete prepared him for... More
29th Annual Inorganic Alumni Mini-Symposium, Friday, September 27, 2019. The symposium will start at 3pm in C033.
Dr. Caroline C. Jarrold is the recipient of the 2020 Francis P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal Endowment. This award recognizes... More
IU Chemsitry Profs. Srini Iyengar (PI) and Jeremy Smith will collaborate with Physics Prof. Phil Richerm and SICE Prof. Amr... More
Veronica Carta, postdoctoral researcher at the IUMSC, won the International Union of Crystallography poster prize at the 2019 convention of... More
Department of Chemistry to host the 6th Annual Symposium on Materials Research, Wednesday, July 24th 2019. Symposium will start at... More
The PECASE is the “highest honor bestowed by the US Government to outstanding scientists and engineers” early in their careers... More
In partnering with the ACS Bridge Project, IU Chemistry joins an initiative that seeks to increase the number of graduate... More