The Frank T. Gucker Lectureship
The Frank T. Gucker Lectureship
The Frank T. Gucker Lectureship in Chemistry was established in 1974 as a result of donations by friends, colleagues and relatives of the late Professor Emeritus Gucker. Under the auspices of this lectureship, an outstanding physical chemist is invited to present a lecture at Indiana University.
Frank was born in Philadelphia in 1900. He received his A.B. and M.A. degrees at Haverford College and completed his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1925 at Harvard University. Following post-doctoral work and an industrial position, he joined the faculty at Northwestern University in 1929. He came to Indiana University as Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry in 1947. In 1951, he became Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, a position he held until 1965. Later, he retired in 1970 at age 70. His death in 1973 concluded a 26-year association with Indiana University during which he served with distinction as both scientist and administrator.
In his earlier years while at Northwestern, he became interested in the chemistry of aerosols, initiating work, which he pursued with great success later at Indiana University. It began with investigations of liquid aerosols in an application related to the improvement of gas masks. These investigations led to the development of improved penetrometers. He then developed a new single particle counter that could automatically establish particle size distribution. Later, during his years as dean, he and his students produced the first instrument and made the first measurements of light scattered by single aerosol droplets. Dr. Gucker’s research accomplishments culminated in the development of a new high-speed photometer.
Gucker served as Secretary-Treasurer, Chair-Elect, and Chair of the Division of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. He was Chair of the Committee on Awards in Chemistry under the Fulbright Act, and Chair of the Advisory Panel for Chemistry under the National Science Foundation. He was a member of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Advisory Committee for Reactor Chemistry, served on the American Society for Testing Materials Panel on Instruments, and served as an Associate Editor of Chemical Reviews. In 1966 Haverford College honored him with a L.L.D. (Doctor of Law) degree.
Frank T. Gucker Lecturers
2024 Daniel M. Neumark
2023 Marsha Lester
2023 Christopher Jarzynski
2017 Cynthia M. Friend
2009 Geraldine Richmond
2007 Richard J. Saykally
2006 Louis E. Brus
2005 F. Fleming Crim
2002 Jesse Lee Beauchamp
2000 Robert S. Langer
1998 Paul C. Lauterbur
1996 Susan Solomon
1993 F. Sherwood Rowland
1991 Richard E. Smalley
1988 Richard Ernst
1987 Frank H. Stillinger
1986 Benjamin Widom
1985 James L. Kinsey
1984 Sidney W. Benson
1982 William A. Goddard III
1981 Albert V. Crewe
1980 William Klemperer
1979 Richard N. Zare
1978 John A. Pople
1977 John C. Polanyi
1976 Stuart A. Rice
1975 John T. Edsall
1974 Max F. Perutz