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New Director of Business, Software Installations for Fall 2020

April 6, 2020

Updates for today:

  1. I’m pleased to announce that Talia Anderson will be stepping into the position of Director of Business, the position previously held by Misty Theodore, starting Monday, 13 April. Talia has been the fiscal officer for 5 departments in the College (all at once) so she brings a wealth of experience with College finances and protocols.  I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ashley Mills, the Assistant Director of Business, who has been doing both DoB/FO and Ass’t DoB jobs for the past several months.  She has been a steady hand on the fiscal wheel during this time of seismic transition, in addition to critical staff turnover.  Thank you, Ashley!
  2. Because the transition for the new DoB is taking place while we’re working remotely, we appreciate your patience while things settle.
  3. Amongst the mole of emails we’re still receiving about managing the current situation, I wanted to point out ITG sent an email yesterday evening (6:51pm, from CHEMITG) reminding us that you need to inform Chemitg about any new software applications you need installed for Fall 2020 before 15 April, which is next Wednesday.

As always, thank you all for your patience and flexibility.