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Undergrads Stay Home, Travel Charges Cancelled, Virtual GRW

March 19, 2020

Those of you entering the building today will have noticed signs on the door (“This facility is open for necessary use only”). Keep in mind that as of now, your research and online teaching preparations are considered necessary. Following is a distillation of information that rolled in since yesterday’s update. The information from yesterday (staff working remotely, stockroom hours) is still valid.

  1. Undergraduates in the laboratory: Unfortunately for those of us who have a large number of undergrads in lab, the email from VPR Fred Cate says no. The overall message from the University is for all undergraduates to remain at home. The message from VPR Cate also assured us that research continues whenever possible, but the well being of our graduate students is of utmost importance. All labs need to adapt CDC guidelines (social spacing, keeping surfaces clean, etc.), including identifying ways to conduct research remotely, when possible.
  2. The email from ORA sent yesterday had information on charging cancelled travel on research accounts. Bottom line is yes (email was sent at 2:24pm yesterday, if you would like more detail). A list of airlines waiving change fees is in the “important links” file on the COVID-19 box to which you all have access.
  3. The Dean has confirmed that the semester will end on the original date (NOT extended because of the one week extension in the break in instruction). Item #3 from Tuesday (S/F grades as a possible option for some classes) is still pending at the College/Campus level.
  4. As you saw from Silas’ message yesterday, planning for the virtual GRW is underway. Thank you Silas, Dalane, Sara, Brian and ITG!
  5. Leak testing of the house nitrogen system continues today and will hopefully wrap up tomorrow. We will let you know when the system will be available for general use.
  6. If you have any needs for additional support or maintenance, please contact Jon Karty (812-855-4619) and he can assist in finding resources for you.

Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility.