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Problems with Kaltura, Zoombombing, On-Campus Classroom Usage

March 31, 2020

Quick update on several important issues:

  1. Problems with Kaltura have been reported up the ladder- please stay tuned for updates from ITG on solutions.
  2. Problems with “Zoombombing” which is when an outsider disrupts a zoom session, typically with appalling behavior, have also been reported. Please see the end of this message for recommendations.
  3. Clarification on on-campus classroom usage:  Only lectures can be recorded in the building.  Videos for discussion sections should be recoded remotely.  All office hour reservations are to be held remotely.  For AIs who have a tablet or iPad with a stylus, this is fine. The Zoom whiteboard and Doceri can both work.  Please contact Martha Oakley if you need  hardware.
  4. A number of you have had questions about how hourlies and other employees will be compensated, either if they are considered on-campus essential employees, or if they are doing work from home, or are required to stay home and it is not practical for them to work.  This website has a good deal of information.  You can also direct questions to Jennifer McCloud.
  5. We were notified yesterday that IUSOM will indeed be accepting S/F grades.  This should relieve some pressure on the pre-med students in S/F courses to request letter grades.

We're very sorry to those of you who have struggled with online platforms-  Thanks for your patience and flexibility while things get resolved.


From a Chairs and Directors Listserve colleague in Denver, provided the following advice on guarding against "Zoombombing"
“These are presented in recommended priority.

  1. Don’t post Zoom URLs in public spaces.  Not twitter, not forums, not open.  Share only with meeting attendees.
  2. Use Advanced Settings to ensure that Who can share? Is set to Host Only.
  3. Don’t use a Personal Meeting ID for Zoom meetings.  These are easy to find and hack.  The default Zoom Meeting IDs are randomized, and difficult to find and hack.
  4. Use Require Meeting Password to be doubly careful.  Include the password with the Zoom URL when sending invitations.
  5. Use the Waiting Room feature to control who enters your Zoom.
  6. Use Advanced Settings to disable file transfer.
  7. Lock the meeting after it starts.  Look under Participants at the bottom of the Zoom window.  You can lock the door here.”