Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University Bloomington IU Bloomington

News + Events

Online Instruction, Non-Essential Research Shutdown

March 30, 2020

Welcome to the first day of online instruction. Please let ITG know if you are experiencing any difficulties with connectivity.

  1. For the handful of faculty who intend to use C033 for recording lectures: Almost no one had specific times in mind. To avoid any problems with room availability, please let Becky Wilson know in advance of coming to the building. C001 can also be made available. Please contact Becky, regardless. We need to inform the custodians about which rooms are in use so they can provide appropriate disinfection. Thanks for your cooperation.
  2. Reminder to see for the very helpful tutorials our colleagues with more online instruction experience have prepared for us.
  3. On Sunday, ~11:42 am, Dean Van Kooten sent an email with a template message to send to your students. The message explains the flexible grading scheme. The students’ prerogative to ask for a letter grade toward the end of the semester will create challenges on the instructor’s part, please be prepared for this option.
  4. All non-essential research was to shut down as of last Friday. Per the public safety advisory reminder sent on Friday evening (8:59pm): DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS AS A RULE- By presidential order for anything that is not essential. Period.

If you happen to stumble upon boxes of gloves or other PPE you can donate to the hospital, let us know. As a nice aside, Chem was recognized for previous donations to the hospital: