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Struggling?, Exchange Online Migration, Social Interaction, and Summer Undergrad Scholarships

February 8, 2021

As our undergrads are now back on campus, here are a few pieces of information that came out in the Weekly Wednesday Update from the College, and also from the College-special Ask Aaron webinar this past week.

Struggling? Helpful Information

Last semester, a number of us had students who were showing signs that they were struggling, but it wasn’t always clear what we should do in response given the specifics of the situation.  The College has created a flowchart that might be helpful:

Exchange Online Migration

Outlook migrations are taking place because the original hardware needed a critical upgrade, and it was decided that the cloud option was a better option.  The migrations are scheduled to go on until April 12.  Go to our virtual “walk in support” at for help with the Exchange Online migrationPlease save this zoom link some place in case you lose access to your email.

Social Interaction

For those of us who crave a little more social interaction, what activities are considered safe?  See

Summer Undergrad Scholarships

Applications for summer undergraduate scholarships are due a week from today (February 15th). When applying through the new IU Scholarship system, the following summer scholarships are those from the Department of Chemistry. If you have any questions related to summer scholarship applications, contact Charles Dann (

As always, reach out if you have any questions.