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Addressing Restart Feedback

June 11, 2020

The following update addresses several questions and feedback we have gotten on restart progress:

  1. Receiving- We are currently understaffed in receiving. While we explore ways to get better coverage, we suggest that you continue to have non-hazardous supplies shipped to your home address, and any chemicals or hazardous materials shipped to Chemistry.  When items arrive, you will be contacted to come down and pick up.  At this point, it is not practical to do deliveries.
  2. Bathroom and passenger elevator occupancies are limited to 1.  Knocking might help alleviate any awkwardness associated with maintaining the former.  Most, if not all, student offices are small and should have a maximum occupancy of 1.
  3. To clarify an earlier statement on the College’s vision for full research on 1 July, ALL research activities must still be conducted in a way that allows social distancing, all people on campus wearing masks, conscientious surface disinfecting, all who can work from home doing so, etc.
  4. MASKS: While the University-issued masks are not yet available, cloth and surgical masks should still be worn at all times (some exceptions when working at the hood).  Masks with valves do NOT protect others from infected wearers, so use of masks with valves is not an acceptable alternative.

We’re not yet at equilibrium, so we should all be prepared to adjust the number density in the department when warranted.