Sylvie Hudan received her B.S. in Engineering and her M.S. in Nuclear Physics from the University of Caen (France) in 1998. She was awarded her Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Caen (France) in 2001 while conducting research at the French national laboratory GANIL. She was a post-doctoral fellow at Indiana University in the Nuclear Chemistry group before becoming a scientist.
Dr Hudan's research interests focus on the decay of nuclear matter under extreme conditions and the dynamics of heavy-ion collisions in the Fermi energy domain, in order to establish the nuclear equation-of-state. Understanding the nuclear equation-ofstate describing the nuclear interactions over a wide range of nuclear density is a key element in describing a wide range of phenomena from nucleosynthesis to the properties of neutron stars. She also has a strong interest in the nuclear fusion of light exotic nuclei, a unique tool in understanding X-Ray superbursts associated with accreting neutron stars.