Accelerating Materials
Discovery & Development
- Augment experimental-based cycle of synthesis-characterization with virtual cycle of CAD
- CAD approach to narrow design space from upwards of 100 molecules to just 10 or fewer
- Aim for two-fold speed up of design and testing
Deployment of Fluorescent SMILES Materials
Start-up Halophore, Inc.
Learn about the company from the website and this YouTube video made for the 40th Anniversary of the Bayh-Doyle Act.
Research Related Products
- ProtoMD - a software platform for developing multiscale molecular dynamics (MD) algorithms
- Deductive Multiscale Simulator (DMS) - a multiscale supramolecular system simulator preserving atomic resolution and achieving orders of magnitude in computational efficiency
- All software open source available through nanoHUB and through webpage
- Library of molecular structure amenable to self-assembly
- Interatomic Force Fields for promising classes of self-assembling molecules